
Monday, February 28, 2011

Growth Hormones for Runts

Roku and Jitsu provide me with an opportunity to finally test one of my theories for accuracy, which is: that you can feed cows milk to any small puppy, the runt of a litter, for example, and they will grow larger than without it.  After all, a cows milk has the growth hormones in it to produce a 1200/lb cow., and growth hormones are growth hormones, whatever species.

Some warn that dogs are allergic to cow's milk, but my mother has fed stale bread and milk to every cat and dog that ever visited our household, and my vet assures me milk is safe for dogs as long as it agrees with them (no vomiting, diarreah, etc).

I tried this method out on Maxie, whose breeder labeled him "not show quality" because "he would be too small", and made me neuter him as a condition of the sale.  I actually had no problem with the neutering since I don't want to breed Papillons and prefer neutered pets, plus the price went down considerable with "pet quality" vs. "show quality".  But I didn't want him to be too small. 

So for about 3 months I gave Maxie 1 Tbsp/day of whole cows milk from the local Smith Creamery Dairy's grass fed cows, plus they don't homogonize their milk and pasturize at the lowest allowable temperatures.  Their milk is very rich and delicious, and extremely fresh.

Maxie grew from 4.25 lbs and 7" at the whithers at 6 months, to 7 lbs and 10.25" by 1 year old, compared to his father's height of 8" and a slightly larger mother.

Aha!  Now I have an opportunity to test my theory, with 2 9-week-old Papillon littermates, and Roku decided smaller than Jitsu.  I'm feeding Roku 1 Tbsp of milk per day, weighing them both once a week, and plotting the results right here, in 32nds of a pound:

Date               Roku's Wt. #                 Jitsu's Wt #
1/28/11            1.75 (24/32)               2.5 (16/32)
2/04/11            1.95 (31/32)              2 21/32 (+5)
2/11/11            2 (+1)                          2.75 (

I'll only be able to do this until they leave me, but maybe I'll see some definitive results by then. Of course these results will be skewed by the fact that they probably eat different amounts, expend different amounts of calories, are programmed to grow at different rates to begin with, etc.  But it may reveal some information.

Upwards and onward!

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